
Saturday, January 10, 2004

An e-mail from a friend is prompting me to write about the Seattle restaurant scene. Actually, this topic is something I have thought about. I always find it interesting on TV when they show rich people going to a restaurant in New York or LA all dressed up and in a limo--and they always go to a place that the rest of us can't or are not allowed to go. I cannot think of a place in Seattle that would be like that. Of course, I am not a celebrity and I do not know any celebrities (well, I have met one a couple of times) so maybe I just don't know the existence of such a place. There are a couple of places like Canlis for example that is very old and special and everyone I know has been there once or twice for a very special occasion. You should dress up to go there. But most places are casual. I mean the food is good and expensive and there are white table cloths and candles and a snooty wine list but jeans are just fine. You CAN dress up and then people imagine you are there for a special reason. And I cannot think of anyplace that caters to only "certain" people. I have seen Bill Gates at a restaurant and I was probably wearing jeans and maybe he was too and he is the richest person in the whole entire world.