
Sunday, May 16, 2004

Update on previous entry, "Olympic Athletes", March 9, 2004

Previously, I wrote about Rosalynn Sumners (and I guess I didn't spell her name correctly--bad me since that is one of my pet peeves about journalists) who won the silver medal in Figure Skating during the 1984 Olympics. I surmised then that perhaps finally at age 40 she had come to terms with winning "only" a silver.

Today in the Real Estate section of the Seattle Times (seattletimes.com) there was a large article by Elizabeth Rhodes about Sumners' love of home building and decor. Last March, it wasn't clear to me where she was currently living but evidently she has a home in Bellevue on the Eastside as well as Palm Springs, CA, New York City, and Cleveland. She just turned 40 and a few days after her birthday, she married Bob Kain, CEO of IMG, "...the world-wide sports-managment and marketing firm that represents hundreds of elite sports figures..."

The Seattle Times stated, "...we've been watching Roz for many years now because she is one of us: an Edmonds-bred girl made good, a genuine local celebrity." And Rosalynn said of her four homes, "In her heart, though, 'Seattle will always be my home,' she says." So she is now pursuing her upscale, high end remodeling/home design business in the Seattle area called, "Silver Lining Homes".

Yep, I guess she has come to terms with that silver medal!!