
Thursday, January 06, 2005

Napolean is All the Rage

I cannot tell sometimes if certain totally hot "things"( for lack of a better word) go beyond the Northwest. But the movie Napolean Dynamite has absolutely taken over around here. My son said it was all the rage in Missoula among the college crowd and he kept talking about it. When we went to rent it at the video store, the shelf had tons of copies and they were all checked out. Finally, we managed to find it. In three days I have watched it twice and found it even funnier the second time. My daughter said the lingo and mannerisms of Napolean have already taken over her high school AND one of her friends has a Vote For Pedro t-shirt.

We are not the only ones who like it. The Everett Herald movie critic thought this little low budget film about a nerd in Idaho was the best of 2004. If any of you out there in cyberspace rent the DVD, make sure you listen to the director's commentary. It is hysterical. Many if not most of the events in the movie actually happened to the director and his siblings. It was filmed in Preston, ID with a lot of the locals and neighbors of this guy participating. Oh my gosh, I am laughing just thinking about it--I may watch it a third time.
