
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

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Taken this morning right after the ceremony.

Yesterday, I sent Dave on a task after my chemo. He was to find an American flag for us to hang on this momentous day. And he did and here it is draped in our Puget Sound fog.

Obama's speech was powerful to me. People were quiet, wanting to gather every emotion and hear every word. It is one for the books to be studied. I could have listened to him for another hour.

The music played immediately before the swearing in was by Izaak Perlman on violin and Yo Yo Ma on cello with other musicians I am not as familiar with. Apolo was curled up on the couch with me but the sound of the stringed instruments got him involved in the celebration of the day. He started to sing and howl along with "Simple Gifts." It was so funny that in the process of trying to video him on my new phone, I almost missed part of the swearing in. Oh well, and Apolo is afraid of the new flag, too.

I am grateful to have this day of historical events to pay attention to. On Thursday, I have new scans scheduled and on Friday we find out the results. Always, this is anxiety producing.

Again, I ask all of you out there for your prayers and thoughts for my family and me this week. They do lift me up and give me strength.